Standardising the categorisation of Moodle courses for Schools

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Categories are used to organise courses in Moodle. Each School has its own category named after it at the top-level and this will continue to be the case.

Changes are being made to the way courses are organised within a School category, mainly to:

  • allow us to deliver improvements in the near future.
  • improve supportability and rollover efficiency.
  • make housekeeping easier to undertake.
  • allow us to introduce a retention policy for courses.
  • achieve consistency of structure across the Schools.

What’s changing?

The main change is that all courses for taught modules will now be within a year folder, including the current year, which will no longer be at the top level.

Some courses are stored at the top-level in the School categoryNo courses will be stored at the top-level in the School category
Courses for the current academic year are usually stored at the top-level in the School categoryCourses for the current academic year will be added to a sub-category in the School category (named as below)
Sub-categories used to store courses for taught modules are named like this:
Art History 2021_2
Sub-categories used to store courses for taught modules will be renamed to:
2021_2 Modules: Art History
Other courses (those not linked to a taught module) are usually stored at the top-level in the School categoryOther courses will be added to a sub-category in the School category that is named in the following way: Other Courses: Art History

The screenshot provided at the top of the page depicts these changes. The changes will sync down to Panopto, which mirrors the structure we maintain in Moodle.

When is it changing?

We are introducing the new categorisation structure as part of our preparation work for the rollover of 2022_3 modules. This means you will see it appear in the next few weeks.

If you have any questions about this, please email [email protected].

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