Good practice – supporting students: examples of good practice
Department of Philosophy These are some examples of good practice the Department of Philosophy has provided to their students:
Department of Philosophy These are some examples of good practice the Department of Philosophy has provided to their students:
Please see below recordings from the 2019-20 lecture season from Professor Rebecca Sweetman, Professor Kathryn Rudy and Professor Ailsa J.Hall.
‘Focus On projects’ is a QAA Scotland initiative to help schools and units in institutes of higher education work in some important areas. Topics chosen by QAA Scotland are advised following recommendations and…
School of Classics In two of the four Classical Studies Subhonours modules (CL1004 Myth and Community in Ancient Greek Literature and Culture and CL1005 Images of Augustan Rome) we have trialled lectures delivered…
Department of Social Anthropology The grant writing workshop is a great chance to hear about how to approach grant writing, which is becoming an increasingly important skill in academia today.
Department of Film Studies In Film Studies enterprise and employability is embedded into the curriculum.
Department of Film Studies Film Studies have organised and supported a wide range of activities to help prepare students for post-PhD work, both within and beyond academia.
School of English The School of English continues to develop the Professionalizing of PhDs by offering teaching opportunities to PhD students and running sessions on non-academic jobs in Universities.
School of Mathematics and Statistics The School of Mathematics and Statistics has a Feedback Dialogue area in a prominent area of the main corridor of the Mathematical Institute.
School of Economics and Finance In response to low collection rates of hard copies, students can now envision feedback on essays and projects directly on MMS.