Good practice – supporting students: shared spaces
School of Computer Science The school of computer science has been structured with the community in mind.
School of Computer Science The school of computer science has been structured with the community in mind.
Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Studies These are some examples of good practice that the Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Studies provides to postgraduate students:
International Education Institute Running parallel to modules on the MSc TESOL is an optional strand called the Professional and Academic Literacies (PALS for short).
School of Classics Although material that could help diversify the curriculum is ostensibly relatively sparse and, we can safely assume, was all composed by men anyway, in CL4455 ‘Roman Praise’ for 2018-19, I…
School of Physics and Astronomy The transferable skills module allows students to practise and extend their knowledge and understanding of physics (including astronomy) at the same time as gaining important and useful…
Department of Social Anthropology Having work published to demonstrate expertise in your field is a fundamental component of both academic and other job markets.
School of English The School of English has introduced Social Media Guidance for students, with a view to minimising unhelpful postings on social media, feelings on competitiveness among students, anxiety around…
School of Computer Science The EngD postgraduate research programme is a 4-year industry focused doctoral research programme.
School of Classics PGRs at the School of Classics receive School-specific tutor training by the PGR Teaching Mentor during their first year of study.
School of Management In addition to gaining teaching experience in a traditional tutorial setting, PhD students in the School of Management have the opportunity to teach a one-hour session on an area of their expertise…